Otis Alexander was only 19 years old in 1978. He had been studying the culinary arts since he was 13 with his uncle Bern who was a well-known chef in New Orleans. Otis got his first job at 15 and was working at a few local restaurants since.

The young man was dreaming of owning his restaurant where the finest dishes from various European cuisines would be served. He had already come up with exotic, yet tasteful combinations.

Once in January 1978, when Otis had the morning off, he took a walk in a district he hadn’t been to before.

That was the day when Otis say the place. The building where his restaurant should be. Turned out, local authorities were going to demolish the historical building. Otis begged for a short time to raise the restoration money. Surprisingly enough, he raised is in only half a year. Four more months, and the space was hosting guests at its full capacity. A lot has changed since, but the place remained the place of Otis’s dreams: a wild and enjoyable mixture of classic European dishes and the highest level of service in the entire state…

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